일상의 풍요

영어회화 상황별 핵심표현 병원 의사 소통편

blessyu 2023. 8. 25. 18:00

해외에서 예기치 않은 의료 상황에 직면할 때, 명확하고 간결한 의사소통이 중요합니다. 글에서는 병원 환경에서 요구 사항 표현 시,우려 사항, 질문을 효과적으로 전달하는 도움이 되는 필수 영어 표현과 함께 다양한 시나리오에 대해 살펴봅니다.


필수영어표현 목차

  1. 예약하기
  2. 체크인
  3. 증상 설명
  4. 병력 제공
  5. 지침 이해
  6. 약물에 관해 이야기하기
  7. 치료 논의
  8. 명확한 설명을 구함
  9. 우려사항 전달
  10. 의사와 대화
  11. 간호사와의 교류
  12. 직원과의 소통
  13. 테스트 결과 논의
  14. 긴급상황 대처

Making Appointments 예약

  • Scheduling a Consultation: "I'd like to make an appointment to see the doctor."
  • Inquiring About Availability: "Are there any slots open for a consultation?"
  • Asking for a Preferred Time: "Do you have any morning appointments available?"

Checking In

  • Providing Personal Information: "I have an appointment with Dr. Smith at 10 AM."
  • Verifying Identity: "My name is John Doe, and I'm here for my scheduled procedure."
  • Confirming Details: "I'm here for the MRI as part of my pre-operative assessment."

Describing Symptoms 증상 설명

  • Explaining Pain: "I've been experiencing sharp pain in my chest."
  • Describing Symptoms: "I have a persistent cough and difficulty breathing."
  • Expressing Intensity: "On a scale of 1 to 10, my headache is a 7."

Providing Medical History 병력 제공

  • Allergies and Medications: "I'm allergic to penicillin, and I'm taking blood pressure medication."
  • Underlying Conditions: "I have a history of diabetes and high cholesterol."
  • Past Surgeries: "I had my appendix removed when I was 25."

Understanding Instructions

  • Following Pre-Procedure Instructions: "Could you please repeat the fasting guidelines?"
  • Asking for Clarification: "I'm not sure how to administer this medication. Can you explain?"
  • Seeking Guidance: "What are the steps I need to take before the surgery?"

Talking About Medications 약에 관해 이야기하기

  • Inquiring About Medication: "What is this medication for?"
  • Asking About Dosage: "How often should I take this pill?"
  • Side Effects Concerns: "Are there any common side effects I should be aware of?"

Discussing Treatments 치료에 관해 논의하기

  • Asking About Procedures: "Could you explain the process of this treatment?"
  • Understanding Benefits: "What are the potential outcomes of this therapy?"
  • Risks and Alternatives: "What are the risks associated with this surgery? Are there alternatives?"

Seeking Clarification 설명하기

  • Repeating Information 반복요청으로 정보 확인하기: "Just to confirm, I need to take this medication twice a day?"
  • Verifying Instructions 지침 확인: "Am I supposed to continue with my regular diet before the test?"
  • Making Sure 확인: "I want to be sure I understood correctly. The appointment is tomorrow at 3 PM?"

Conveying Concerns 우려사항 전달

  • Expressing Worries: "I'm concerned about the potential side effects of this treatment."
  • Addressing Anxieties: "I'm feeling nervous about the upcoming procedure."
  • Asking for Support: "Is there someone who can explain the procedure to my family?"

Talking to Doctors

  • Initiating Conversation: "Hello, Dr. Smith. I'd like to discuss the results of my tests."
  • Asking for Explanations: "Could you break down what the diagnosis means?"
  • Seeking Advice: "Based on the diagnosis, what treatment options do I have?"

Interacting with Nurses

  • Requesting Assistance: "Excuse me, could you please help me adjust the bed?"
  • Asking for Medication: "It's time for my pain medication. Could you bring it?"
  • Reporting Changes: "I've noticed a slight fever since this morning."

Communicating with Staff

  • Getting Attention: "Is there someone who can help me with changing the IV?"
  • Requesting Amenities: "Could I have an extra blanket, please?"
  • Asking for Help: "My family needs guidance on visiting hours. Can you assist?"

Discussing Test Results

  • Asking for Interpretation: "I received my test results. Can you explain the findings?"
  • Understanding Implications: "What does this mean for my ongoing treatment?"
  • Requesting Copies: "Can I get a copy of the test results for my records?"

Handling Emergency Situations 긴급상황 대처

  • Calling for Help: "We need immediate medical assistance in room 302!"
  • Describing the Emergency: "My friend is having trouble breathing and is unconscious."
  • Cooperating with Responders: "The patient has a known heart condition."

스트레스가 많은 병원 환경에서는 효과적인 의사소통이 필수적입니다. 이러한 필수 영어 표현을 알고 있으면 보다 빠르게 의료 상황을 이해시키고 필요한 진료를 받을 있습니다. 당황스러운 상황에서 단서가 되는 간단한 영어표현으로 좀 더 원활한 의사소통이 가능할 것입니다.
