행동경제학과 심리학의 개념인 프레임과 리프레이밍에 대해 알게되면 얻어내는 결과물들이 결정적으로 달라지게 됩니다. 마음먹기를 아무리 거듭해도 실패하게 되는 이유가 바로 프레임의 원리를 모르고 있기 때문이라는 걸 깨닫게 되실겁니다. 내가 저지를 수 있는 인식의 오류가 무엇인지 알고 경제적 자유에 한걸음 더 가까이 가게 되는 시간이 되었으면 합니다.
What is reframing the frame
The frame is the way you see the world. We do not see objects as they are, but rather with a certain perspective, standard, and assumption in mind. In other words, we are looking at the world through glasses. And reframe is a process of changing the way you them. It can change your perspective on a situation, making it more positive or less daunting. Reframing can also be used to help you overcome challenges or obstacles.
There are many different ways to reframe a situation. One way is to focus on the positive aspects of the situation. For example, if you are facing a challenge, you can focus on the skills and knowledge you have that will help you overcome it. Another way to reframe a situation is to change your perspective. For example, if you are feeling overwhelmed, you can try to see the situation from a different angle. This can help you to see the situation in a more manageable way.
Reframing can be a powerful tool for changing your life. It can help you to overcome challenges, to achieve your goals, and to live a more fulfilling life. If you are struggling with a difficult situation, consider trying reframing. It may just be the tool you need to make a positive change.
Here are some examples of how reframing can be used:
- If you are feeling stressed about a work project, you can reframe it as an opportunity to learn and grow.
- If you are feeling anxious about a presentation, you can reframe it as a chance to share your knowledge and expertise.
- If you are feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list, you can reframe it as a challenge to see how much you can accomplish.
Reframing is a simple but powerful tool that can help you to change your perspective on any situation. If you are looking for a way to improve your life, consider giving reframing a try.
Additional tips for reframing:
- Be specific. When you are reframing a situation, be as specific as possible. This will help you to see the situation in a new light.
- Be positive. When you are reframing a situation, focus on the positive aspects. This will help you to feel more optimistic about the situation.
- Be persistent. Reframing takes practice. Don't give up if you don't see results immediately. Keep practicing and you will eventually see a difference.
Let's reframe fear.
두려움의 관점을 바꾸세요.
When was the last time you stopped yourself from doing something because you are afraid?
Let's be honest.
We all have the fear of not being good enough.
so sometimes we don't even bother to try.
But what if you just choose to believe you are good enough?
And what if fear means you are heading towards the right direction? The sensation you feel in your body is probably telling you that you are stepping up your game.
The reason why you are scared is because you were brave enough to put yourself out there.
As long as you are doing what's best for you. Fear will always be there. So instead, let's say, "Come on fear. You are coming along."
Key phrase
Direction 방향, sensation 느낌, step up 발전하다, put oneself out 특별히 애쓰다
You are stepping up your game.
당신의 분야에서 한 단계 발전했다는 것입니다.
The reason why you are scared is because you are brave enough to put yourself out there.
당신이 두려운 이유는 힘든 상황에서도 최선을 다할 만큼 당신은 용감하기 때문입니다.
Book review 프레임 책 추천
어떤 기도
미래사회에서 중요시되는 능력 중 하나는 질문법입니다. 동일한 행동도 어떻게 프레임 하느냐에 따라 우리가 삶에서 얻어내는 결과물이 결정적으로 달라집니다. 지혜로운 사람이 되기 위해서 프레임을 알아야 하는 이유가 바로 여기에 있습니다. 아래 이야기를 끝으로 프레임에 대한 이야기를 마치려고 합니다.
(프레임 책 일부 발췌)
어느 날 세실과 모리스가 예배를 드리러 가는 중이었습니다.
"모리스, 자네는 기도 중에 담배를 피워도 된다고 생각하나?"
"글쎄 잘 모르겠는데, 랍비께 한번 여쭤보는 게 어떻겠나?"
세실이 랍비에게 가서 물었습니다.
" 선생님, 기도 중에 담배를 피워도 되나요?"
"(정색을 하며 대답하기를) 형제여, 그건 절대 안 되네. 기도는 신과 나누는 엄숙한 대화인데 그럴 순 없지." 세실로부터 랍비의 답을 들은 모리스가 말했다.
"그건 자네가 질문을 잘못했기 때문이야. 내가 가서 다시 여쭤보겠네." 이번에는 모리스가 랍비에게 물었다.
"선생님, 담배를 피우는 중에는 기도를 하면 안 되나요?" (얼굴에 온화한 미소를 지으며) 형제여, 기도에는 때와 장소가 필요 없다네. 담배를 피우는 중에도 기도는 얼마든지 할 수 있지."
미국에서 널리 회자되는 유머 중 하나입니다. 위의 경우처럼 동일한 행동도 어떻게 프레임 하느냐(담배를 피우면서 기도하는 행동 vs. 기도하면서 담배 피우는 행동)에 따라 우리가 삶에서 얻어내는 결과물이 결정적으로 달라지게 됩니다. 지혜로운 사람이 되기 위해서 프레임을 알아야 하는 이유가 바로 여기에 있습니다.
행복을 결정하는 것
"행복은 '무엇'이 아니라 '어떻게'의 문제다.
Happiness is not about what you have, but how you live.
This means that happiness is not determined by our possessions, but by our attitude and outlook on life. When we are grateful for what we have and focus on the positive aspects of our lives, we are more likely to be happy.
“행복은 대상이 아니라 재능이다.” (헤르만 헤세)
Happiness is a skill, not a destination.(Hermann Hesse)
This means that happiness is not something that we find, but something that we create. It is a skill that we can learn and develop, and it is something that we can choose to experience in our lives. When we focus on the positive aspects of our lives and appreciate what we have, we are more likely to be happy.
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